Complete the Census
Once every ten years, the United States Census takes a count of every person in the United States.
But the census is so much more than just a count. Census information is used to determine New York City’s fair share of billions of dollars in federal funds for climate action planning, public education, affordable housing, infrastructure, and more — as well as the number of seats we have in Congress.
The deadline to complete the 2020 Census is September 30th.
How to Fill out the Census
For the first time, you can complete the census online and by phone, in addition to the traditional mail-in form. To complete the 2020 Census online, go to
To complete the 2020 Census by phone, please call:
English – 844-330-2020
Spanish – 844-468-2020
Chinese (Mandarin) – 844-391-2020
Chinese (Cantonese) – 844-398-2020
Vietnamese – 844-461-2020
Korean – 844-392-2020
Russian – 844-417-2020
Arabic – 844-416-2020
Tagalog – 844-478-2020
Polish – 844-479-2020
French – 844-494-2020
Haitian Creole – 844-477-2020
Portuguese – 844-474-2020
Japanese – 844-460-2020
Telephone Display Device (TDD) – 844-467-2020
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